Opening Doors

To Your Immigration Dreams

30 years of experience

Evening The Odds You Face In Removal Proceedings


Time is of the essence if you or a loved one is threatened with deportation from the United States. The high-stakes nature of removal proceedings requires careful choices. Perhaps the most important choice you can make is the selection of an attorney who focuses solely on immigration law.

Decades Of Experience Appearing Before Immigration Judges

For almost three decades, the Law Offices of George Giosmas has helped South Florida-based clients who want to stay and live in the United States. Specifically, we have represented those jailed in or recently released from Krome Detention Center, Broward Transitional Center (BTC) and Glades County Detention. The founder of our firm is well-acquainted with the requirements of immigration judges and the distinct nuances that exist among these jurists and the rulings they make.

Our representation of clients in removal proceedings goes beyond the borders of Florida. With 300 immigration jails throughout the country, national advocacy is paramount. George Giosmas has represented clients in New York, California, Texas and Georgia. Regardless of where immigrants are incarcerated, he is willing to go anywhere to even the odds they face.

Personalized Legal Advocacy Based On Your Specific Needs

When we meet with you, we will take the time to identify your situation and how we can help. These types of legally complex and emotionally charged problems mandate personalized representation and customized strategies.

Do not rely on the immigration system for help in stopping removal from the United States, especially if your case goes to court. The processes are far too complex and nearly impossible to navigate without legal counsel.

Contact Us To Help Stop Removal Proceedings

Call immigration lawyer George Giosmas at 954-920-3831 or toll free at 800-414-1459. You can also email our firm. Our office is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and after hours by appointment.